What element are you?

Do you want to find out what element you TRULY are? If you do, play this quiz! There are four possibilities: Fire, Air, Water and Earth; which one will you be?

This quiz was designed the FaithHopeCharity, it is a quiz giving YOU the opportunity to find out your inner element; your flame, your flow, your blossom or your gale! Enjoy!

Created by: FaithHopeCharity
  1. First, which of these colours do you prefer?
  2. It's a Saturday morning and you're bored, you:
  3. What's you're favourite fruit?
  4. What's you're dream job?
  5. What sweet treat do you prefer?
  6. What clothes would you where into town?
  7. What type of book would you read on a Friday night?
  8. Where would you rather live?
  9. What pet would you rather have?
  10. Finally, what colour hair do you have?

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Quiz topic: What element am I?
