What elective should you take?

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The new school year is coming up quickly and you're probably having a challenging time deciding which elective you will be taking this year at school. This quiz will tell you exactly which elective is right for you.

This quiz is to be used as a source of information and guidance, not facts. You can take whatever elective you want, this is just to tell you which would fit yu best.

Created by: Savethepandas
  1. Do you enjoy singing in front of people you don't know?
  2. Do you express yourself well or need a way to express yourself?
  3. Would you ever think of playing an instrument for a living?
  4. Do you enjoy reading particularly challenging pieces of literature?
  5. Do you enjoy performing in front of large audiences?
  6. How easily do you get frustrated on a daily basis?
  7. Can you draw realistic people?
  8. How busy are you after school?
  9. Can you read music? If so, how well?
  10. Are you good with technology?
  11. What elective do you think you should do?

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Quiz topic: What elective should I take?
