What Eeveelution Are You

Take this quiz to see which eeveelution you are! Awnswer amazing questions and maybe weird questions! If you love pokemon, take this fun and amazing quiz!

If you love pokemon and you want to see what eeveelution you are, this is the perfect quiz for you! Make yourself happy taking this quiz. Your eeveelution would be happy that you are one of them!

Created by: Helayna Henderson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like music?
  2. Are you attractive?
  3. MONEY!!!!
  4. What is your favorite Disney Movie?
  5. Pick A Random Number.
  6. Do you like Pokemon?
  7. Do you have a crush?
  8. What is your favorite Holiday below?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Click "Okay/KK" and "Submit" to see who you are!

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Quiz topic: What Eeveelution am I