What eeveeloution are you

There are many eeveeloution sour there and you may have wondered which you are. Well you have certainly come to the right place, this quiz will tell you your eeveeloution

I am sorry that I didn't include Espeon, Glaiceon, or mr. Eevee himself. Hope you enjoy the quiz anyways. Have fun good luck! Enjoy your results they're all good!😀

Created by: Coco love 227

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What is your dream vacation
  3. Finish this sentence: happiness is,
  4. In terms of energy you are,
  5. Soooooo sorry that I didn't put eevee, glaiceon, or Espeon
  6. If the Pokemon world was real what would you do
  7. What's your favorite animal
  8. Did you enjoy this quiz
  9. Will you rate and comment
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: What eeveeloution am I