What dress should you wear to a wedding, or fancy party?

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So are you having trouble deciding what to wear to a party, or wedding or baht mitzvah or bar mitzvah? Well, take my quiz to find out if you should wear a unique dress, a simple dress, a jumpsuit and much more!

Also, the drawings for this quiz, I made myself. On Procreate. Why don’t you check it out. It is a great app, although it costs money, it’s great nonetheless! Take a look in the App Store.

Created by: Claire211
  1. What color would you want it to be?
  2. Would you rather wear a jumpsuit or a dress?
  3. Would you want yours to stand out or blend in?
  4. Would you want yours to have a train?
  5. Would you want yours one color?
  6. Do you want it to be big, small or medium?
  7. What kind of sleeves would you want?
  8. Would you want the dress to reach your feet?
  9. Would you want it to have frills?
  10. How many colors do you want on it?
  11. Do you want it to be one that your usually see in stores or one you design yourself?
  12. Rate? Comment?
  13. Make sure to tell me what you got in the comments!

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Quiz topic: What dress should I wear to a wedding, or fancy party?
