what dragon element r u

Dragons are all around us, we dont see them but they are there. are you a brutal fire dragon or a quiet and graceful air dragon. this quiz will determine which element dragon.

or are you too chicken to be a scary dragon or a quiet one even. Are dragons out of your legue. or do you think that you are out of dragons legue. take the quiz .find out. and love it.

Created by: zzdragon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if a stranger at school/work was being beaten by a bully, how would you react?
  2. which would you use if you were being attacked by a wizard?
  3. what is your tactic on making friends
  4. what is your OPINION about dragons
  5. favorite food
  6. what is your favorite element
  7. you have been in a fight
  8. favorite colors
  9. favorite colors
  10. now this is the last question, this was my first quiz. how did i do

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