what dragon ball z character are you

this is a great quiz of dragon ball z if there's anything you don't understand please leave a comment and i will check them when i get the chance be sure to comment like and subscribe and this might be fun

please check out iamcrunchy's twitter file i hope you like it nice honest guy we like him he does dragon ball raging blast 2 videos he's a great guy be sure you do

Created by: Leo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if an android broke you're friends arm on perpose
  2. what girl would you marry
  3. what group would you want to be the leader of
  4. what do you do most of the day
  5. what attack would you want to try out
  6. what type of saiyan would you want to be
  7. where would you be if you were not in this show
  8. what would you wish for with the dragon balls
  9. who is your rival
  10. who do you love
  11. just a bonus for luck who do you want to be

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Quiz topic: What dragon ball z character am I