what dragon ball character are you?

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do you like dragon ball z? have you ever thought if i were a dbz character, who would i be? then your in the right place my freind, try out this quiz and find out for yourself!

theres many different possibilitys! try it out and have your freinds try it and see who they are! are they like you or totaly different? i liked it if you like dbz you will to!

Created by: zach
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what color hair do you have? (if bald and have facial hair still counts)
  2. what is you favorate move out of these?
  3. what is your favorate move out of these?
  4. who do you like the most out of these?
  5. what two caracters do you wish fused?
  6. what would you like to be?
  7. who is (or was) your worst enemy
  8. who do you think is more annoying?
  9. how much do you eat?
  10. which series do you like better
  11. what letter does your name start with?
  12. who would you rather train with?
  13. do you have emotions?
  14. (this wont effect who you are) did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What dragon ball character am I?