what dragon are you?

most people beleive dragons are not real but even if they are not you can be one! their are many choices but only one will be you! the questions are not hard!...

in this quiz you will find out what dragon you are... do you wonder? do it do it come on come on grrrrr! you go on its not hard at all try please! take the test!

Created by: jaimee wiese
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you clumsy?
  2. what is your favourite colour?
  3. do you try new things and like it?
  4. do you love to play?
  5. what is life like to you?
  6. what do you live in?
  7. how do you think?
  8. what is your favourite food.
  9. who is your favourite pet!
  10. who is your enemy?

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Quiz topic: What dragon am I?