What dragon are you

Hello this is my first quiz so please rate and have fun on it. The quiz will help you find your dragon on the in side maybe.

What dragon are you what power do you have. Well if you take this quiz you may just find your inner dragon.so have fun and stuff.

Created by: Nathan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you live
  2. Are you evil or greedy
  3. Are you sneaky
  4. Are you brave
  5. Are male or female
  6. Is this a question
  7. Do like warm or cold weather
  8. If you could would you fly to have fun or to get stuff done
  9. Did you like this quiz? (Will not effect answer)
  10. This is a shout out to Ryan so if your not him then ignore this question and pick a cat

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Quiz topic: What dragon am I