What downworlder species are you

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Find out what downworlder species you are. a fun quiz about shadowhunters and the mortal instruments. I really hope you guys wil like this quiz. And if you don’t I guess don’t take it

And I don’t know what to wright here cause this is my first quiz so I guess I’m just gonna wright weird things like Cookie Monster is cool or shadowhunters is the best but that’s not weird that’s a fact

Created by: Scarletwitch190306
  1. Whats your favorite element
  2. What do time do you prefer more
  3. What rune discribes you the most
  4. what spel would you use
  5. Would you read books to learn about your species
  6. What would your warlock mark be
  7. Who is your favorite character
  8. Lilith queen of edom and mother of all demons or Valentine Former shadowhunter
  9. What would you use
  10. What would your pet be

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Quiz topic: What downworlder species am I

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