What dork diaries character are you?

What dork dairies character are you? You could be Nicki, Brandon, Mackenzie, or Brianna! Sorry I did not include all of the characters, I was just a bit lazy!

That does not mean that this quiz is not a lot of fun! I have to have 300 characters so I am just going to type random letters! Mjnbhbhbfdftffdresryook

Created by: UnicornKitten
  1. Pick you gender
  2. Pick your age
  3. Pick a hobby
  4. You see a girl in a terrible outfit what do you do?
  5. Pick an outfit
  6. Pick a phone case
  7. Pick a lip gloss
  8. Pick shoes
  9. Is this quiz amazing?
  10. What do you want?

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Quiz topic: What dork diaries character am I?
