what doki are you? ddlc quiz

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this is my first quiz so please be nice. *DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY* its made for some laughs and out of curiosity. in the next paragreaph i will explain why yuri is best girl and you cant have her

yuri is best because shes pretty, she can be your big tiddy goth gf, she most likely a secret memer, shes adorable, she likes horror movies which means she can get scared while watching one with you and cuddle you for comfort! shes mine and i must protecc!

Created by: Harley
  1. do you prefer darker colors or lighter colors?
  2. do you enjoy reading
  3. (roleplay time!) someone drops their wallet and walks away without noticing what do you do?
  4. what your favorite thing to do when your bored
  5. whos your favorite doki (you may not get this doki)
  6. favorite anime trope
  7. my favorite types of movies
  8. was this quiz easy to understand?
  9. should i make more in the future
  10. lastly, ya like jazz?

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Quiz topic: What doki am I? ddlc quiz
