What dog should you get?

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Hi! This is my second quiz! My first one was bad... mostly because I didn’t know what I was doing. But I know now! This quiz will show you what dog breed you should get!

The dogs I chose are American Eskimo, shih tzu, Samoyed, shiba inu, border collie, and a golden retriever! I hope you enjoy! It’s very short, but I hope you don’t mind!

Created by: Annmarie Lee
  1. Have you owned a dog before?
  2. Would you want a working dog, a guard dog, or just a pet dog?
  3. Long fluffy fur? Or short soft fur?
  4. What color should the dogs fur be
  5. For the dogs size, should it be medium small or big?
  6. How often should you dog be barking?
  7. How long should the dog be living?
  8. How active are you?
  9. Did you like it?
  10. Please do some research about the dog breed you get, I may have missed some stuff.

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Quiz topic: What dog should I get?
