What dog breed r u?

This quiz is to tell you what dog breed you are. Some people may.xhffhsgjxtuxjtxjxgxun be ng. But if in kned. Chief in in din I. n inef. Hen hoed hi. Edit our. Inef. His one hoed

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Created by: Emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you you calm and relaxed?
  2. Do you like children
  3. Are you protective of your friends and family
  4. Do you love other dogs(if you were a dog)
  5. Do you act all big and strong
  6. Do you start fights
  7. What is your fave breed
  8. Do you like to play outside all the time
  9. Do you like big dogs or smaller dogs
  10. Did you like this quiz

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