What dog breed are you?

There are five dog breeds, You will be one. Don't worry about what you get, all the breeds are special! There are only ten questions. I hope you like this quiz!

Also, I don't know what to write here soo.... Do you like guacamole? I do. I have it with chips. Uhh...have any plans for the day? Ok, bye, I have to go now. Enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Marie2secretperson:
  1. First of all, which best describes you?
  2. Next, what would you do if a bully threatened you and your friends?
  3. Bonus story! A bully from your school jumped off the swings and broke his leg, how do you react?
  4. Hmm, we already did some scenarios, how about another question?
  5. Even if you said no, we are doing a question:If you have read about dog breeds, which of these two breeds do you think you will be? (or have been, if you are taking this quiz again.)
  6. also, we are not doing age or gender or race because that doesn't matter.
  7. Scenario: you are in school, your teacher is handing out tests, and your score is......
  8. Again, which best describes you?
  9. WHY are you taking this test?
  10. Last question:
  11. I hope you liked this quiz!

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Quiz topic: What dog breed am I?

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