What dog breed are you?

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The quiz will help you find the best dog breed for you and your life style. And hopefully find you a new doggy best friend. And makes your life better.

There are many dogs out there and even if you get a dog breed they you don’t like that doesn’t mean you have to get that breed or any dog at all that is just a breed that mite fit your life style.

Created by: Payton
  1. How active are you?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. What color dogs do you like?
  4. Do you like to be outside?
  5. How do you feel about Docket tails and cropped ears?
  6. Short noses
  7. Size
  8. Age
  9. Gender
  10. Money
  11. Yard
  12. House
  13. Hair

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Quiz topic: What dog breed am I?
