What Dog Breed Are You?

There are many people I have seen before that wonder what kind of dog breed a dog is just by looking at one. I wonder, what dog breed that people's personalities connect to the most.

That is why I have created this quiz to help answer that question. This quiz also educates people who take this quiz about their dog they have received as a result of how these dogs act and what their personality is like.

Created by: Katie M.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like everyone you are around?
  2. Do you like to be alone a lot?
  3. Are you lazy?
  4. Family or Friends?
  5. *Fun Question!* What's your favorite color?
  6. *Fun Question!* What's your favorite animal?
  7. *Fun Question!* Books or Movies?
  8. *Fun Question!* What do you want to be when you grow up?
  9. *Fun Question!* What's your favorite song? (these are the top songs I know of)
  10. *Fun Question!* What's your favorite sport?

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Quiz topic: What Dog Breed am I?