What dog are you?

This quiz is to find out what kind of dog you are. If you don't like dogs, I say that you should checkout my "What Cat are You?" quiz. After you take that quiz, please take the poll that goes with it called "What did you get on "What Cat are You?" "

If you don't like cats, then too bad. If you don't like the dog you had gotten, try different answers. Be creative! Have fun with it! that's what this quiz is for, fun.

Created by: Rosie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like light or dark colored dogs?
  2. Do you like fast, slow, or medium dogs?
  3. Do yes always obey commands?
  4. Do you exercise a lot?
  5. Do you own a dog?
  6. Do you have a pet?
  7. Do you hunt?
  8. Do you play with stuffed dogs?
  9. Do you enjoy wildlife?
  10. Do you care about the envirement?

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Quiz topic: What dog am I?