What dog are you?

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Do you want to know what dog you are do you ever wonder about that well in this quiz you wont have to wonder any more in this quiz it will ask you a set of questions to decide/determine what dog you are

(We are not always correct ) so if you have ever wondered then why are you still reading this GO DO THE THE QUIZ ALREADY ( weve been waiting this whole time)

Created by: next generation dog
  1. Are you relaxing or drama queen
  2. Are you energized or laid back
  3. Would you rather watch TV or be outside
  4. Would you defend your family or hide and let them fight by themselves
  5. Do you prefer to cuddle or be by yourself
  6. Would you stay inside on a rainy day or go outside and play in the rain
  7. Do you give people a second chance or hold a grudge
  8. Would you play with someone or by yourself
  9. Are you bold or quiet
  10. Would you risk you life for people you love?

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Quiz topic: What dog am I?
