What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

Reveal your personality......by your handwriting. PS the last couple of questions are about names, sneezing, etc.E RIJP'OWehfertucqwa o8wueqouewholweg8woauoerhk

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Created by: Anna
  1. Write a sentence. Any sentence. (no lined paper, no rulers, etc.) Is your handwriting straight, wavy, tilts up at the end, or tilts down at the end?
  2. Do your letters lean to the right or left?
  3. Is your writing large?
  4. Is your writing small?
  5. Do you leave a lot of space between words or cram them together?
  6. Do you write boldly with your pencil?
  7. How would you most likely describe yourself/your personality? (doesn't count for results)
  8. do you have to take a dump?
  9. cant think of any other freak questions so I'm just doin randommmmmmm
  10. whats your favorite name?
  11. What does your sneeze sound like?

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Quiz topic: What Does my Handwriting Say About You?