What Does Steven Grant (Mister Knight) Think Of You?

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I am a true Marvel fan and I love the new series Moon Knight. My favorite character throughout the whole series has been Steven and I really wanted to make a 'What does _ think about you' quiz.

I hope you enjoy it is not oh well. I really tried to make this as realistic as possible so I watched Marc's main episode and Steven's main episode just for good measure.

Created by: Salty_Cat
  1. Me: "Hello Y/N and thank you for taking this quiz."
  2. Me: "Well, anyway, it's time to meet Steven. Come on in!" (Steven walks in with a nervous smile, followed by an identical-looking man with a tired look) Me: "Oh, and his other personality, Marc."
  3. Me: "Should I ask one of the dreaded questions?" Marc/Steven: "Sure." Me: "K, what is your favorite hobby?"
  4. Me: "Okay Steven, your turn." Steven: "Um, okay, what is your favorite color?" Marc: "Seriously? That question?" *sighs*
  5. Me: "Marc, you wanna ask Y/N a question?" Marc: "Sure. Do you find it weird that Steven is another version of me? That Steven and I have DID (dissociative identity disorder)?" Steven: "Marc!"
  6. Me: "Okay, Marc you will no longer ask questions, got that?" Marc: "Yeah." Me: "Okay, let's do some would you rather! Would you rather date Marc or Steven?" (Marc and Steven look at each other in confusion) if you are don't really want to answer this question just press skip.
  7. Me: "Steven?" Steven, distracted by how hot you are or how much he hates you: "Huh, yeah? Oh. Umm, would you rather, have a normal life or an awesome life? The side affect is in the normal life you are paranoid and awkward and in the awesome life you are depressed and tormented." Marc: "That's oddly specific."
  8. Me: "Would you rather...It be halloween every single day or your birthday every single day, you still age normally tho."
  9. Me: "Okay enough of would you rather questions. Let's just do regular yes or no questions. What's your stance on Egyptian Avatars?"
  10. Me: "Do you like British people?"
  11. Me: "Are you a history buff?"
  12. Me: "Anyway, that's all, see ya at the results!!" Steven: "Cheers." Marc: "Bye."

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