What does my OC Ava think of you?

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This is a quiz that you can basically see if my OC will or will not want to be friends! Don’t judge me, my quizzes, or my OC’s because I work hard doing these things.

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Created by: AmberPlayz818
  1. Me: Hi I want to introduce you to my friend Ava! Ava: Hi! It’s nice to meet you!
  2. Me: So get to know each other! Say stuff about you!Ava: Well, I favor the color yellow, I’m a wolf, and I sometimes tend to get into fights when I’m mad, but other than that I’m pretty positive!
  3. Ava: What’s your favorite color?
  4. What’s your favorite color part 2
  5. Ava: Do you like or hate wolves?
  6. Me: Do you like or hate Ava?
  7. FIND THE HIDDEN MESSAGE BELOW. bjdncdjdxhHIbj$dnjYOUR bmckdmkCOOL!nfnchdbcjdmc
  8. Ava: can I spam?ME:Yas
  9. Buddheidheygdeijde

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