what does kurogiri think of you?

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haii im the creator of dis beautiful quiz oof anyway finish my quiz it took so long lol im so lazy UwU any way my weeb friends enjoy the quiz! btw none of this art is mine so...yeah

so answer these following questions to see what kurogiri thinks of you answer wisely Owo by the way sorry if its short I got quite lazy oof . enjoy taking it I would love feedback so I know to improve :)

Created by: Maisey Sparks
  1. are you anti-social?
  2. what are your main hobbies?
  3. what you want to be even if you weren't taking this quiz? :>
  4. if you we caught by the heroes and they try to persuade you to become a hero you....?
  5. do you like my hero academia? ;-;
  6. what your favourite colour? (I know the picture doesn't go but me and my friend were crying xD)
  7. this is not a question it wont effect your result but are you enjoying my quiz so far?
  8. your favourite type of food?
  9. when did kurogiri appear in my hero academia? ( I think you probaly know xD)
  10. are ya ready for your results? (wont effect your result I promise :) ).

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