what doctor who Character are you?

i think your all totle hedcases if you dont do this quiz.prove me rong do this quiz and then reply then and only thea will i think your not a wolly.ok!!!!

my quiz is all about doctor who the living legond, the best actor in the univers and i think you will LOVE this quiz as much as i LOVE doctor who!!!!!

Created by: jordan mcmurray
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if a little girl hurt herself you would.......
  2. what would you do if some one broke into your house?
  3. are you a allergic to nuts?
  4. do you have a girl/boyfriend?
  5. for arguments sake you are on your way to/from the shop and you see some guy drop a £5 note you..........
  6. do you like rain/sun/snow?
  7. where do you see your self in 10 years???
  8. how meny pets will you have in 2 years?
  9. do you like doctor who??????
  10. will you reply???

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Quiz topic: What doctor who Character am I?