What do you know about the vampire diaries

I love the vampire diaries and I guess you do to because if you didn't you would not of clicked on this quiz. I hope you do really good in this quiz and get 100%.

Now do you think you have enough brainpower to get through these questions with no worries I think you can good luck and enjoy the quiz and see if you are a true Vampire Diaries fan.

Created by: jessica woodall
  1. Who was the first person to be turned into a vampire on screen?
  2. Who did Caroline like in the first episode?
  3. How are Stefan and Damon related?
  4. Who was the first to know that Damon was a vampire?
  5. Where did Elena and Stefan first kiss?
  6. What animal was Damon related to
  7. What blood did Stefan drink?
  8. Who had bad thoughts about Damon when they saw him for the first time
  9. Who is Elena's ex at the beginning of the show
  10. Who is Elena's Doppelgänger

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Quiz topic: What do I know about the vampire diaries