What do you know about Naruto

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Good luck! now you will know what do you know about Naruto and are you Naruto fan if you are then you should get 100% on the quiz! I hope you like it!

Go ahed to play you just have to answer the questions and submit them in there is 100%, 75%, 60%, 45%, 25%, or 0%! Try of you really know about Naruto!

Created by: Poki
  1. What tailed beast was in Gaara
  2. Who was Narutos teacher at academy
  3. Who killed Hiruzen Sarutobi/ Third Hogake
  4. What ninjutsu kakashi can use?
  5. Who was first hokage?
  6. Who killed jiraya
  7. What ninjutsu Obito can use?
  8. What was one tails name
  9. Who killed pain
  10. Who was narutos father

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