What do you know about Mweor?

Mweor is a fantasy cat-raising site about raising a feline-like species called Mweors. There's lots of hidden secrets in this site and some players know all about them.

Do you know anything about Mweor? Do you know the ins and outs of the whole site? Is no mweor-problem a problem for you? Take this quiz and find out!

Created by: JoobJoobz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the officially correct way to say "Mweor"?
  2. How many items can a Size 21 shop hold?
  3. What word did Idess use to describe the Lightning Mweor?
  4. What does it mean when a Mweor has an AA Marking?
  5. Who is Jeff?
  6. Who owns Mweor?
  7. Out of the options listed below, what's the difference between a female Air and a male Air?
  8. When is Mweor's birthday?
  9. What happens when you get a fourth degree fine?
  10. When a Mweor becomes a Bweark, it...

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Quiz topic: What do I know about Mweor?