What do YOU know about Graystripe

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Do you have what it takes to be a Graystripe expert? Test your knowledge of this Thunderclan Warrior Cat with this quiz! If you fail, you can just continue to read Warrior Cats!

It's hard not to like Graystripe he is funny, brave, smart, and strong. See how good you know Graystripe with this quiz! If you fail, you can just continue to read Warrior Cats!

Created by: WarriorCatLover101
  1. What color is Graystripe's eyes?
  2. Which of these are one of Graystripe's traits?
  3. Who was Graystripe's (Graypaw at the time) mentor?
  4. Who did Graystripe mentor as a warrior?
  5. Which of these groups are Graystripe's kits?
  6. How many mates did Graystripe have in all?
  7. What clan did Graystripe switch to for a little bit?
  8. How did Graystripe meet his first mate, Silverstream?
  9. How did Silverstream die? (Graystripe's mate at this time)
  10. Which of these DIDN'T Graystripe do?

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Quiz topic: What do I know about Graystripe
