What do you know

"Thank you so much for taking the Bi-lingual Theory quiz. If you scored high, congratulations, yours is major league brain. If you scored not so well, hey you can't win them all!

"Thank you so much for taking the Bi-lingual Theory quiz. If you scored high, congratulations, yours is major league brain. If you scored not so well, hey you can't win them all! This is all very important for our future generations.

Created by: teacher
  1. What should Mrs. Sanchez do if her students are losing interests in her lessons?
  2. How can Mrs. Sanchez prevent from having to repeat herself multiple times during her lessons?
  3. How can she make the students more interactive with the lesson?
  4. Mrs. Sanchez is constantly having to stop her lessons to get students to stop misbehaving due to their language barrier? What should she do?
  5. Should Mrs. Sanchez embarrass the students when they use their native language instead of responding in the dominant language "English"?
  6. 6. Bilingual theory has a positive affect on students in an ELL classroom.
  7. Students that need extra attention with learning English should be excluded from the classroom.
  8. An ESOL student will never excel due to their lack of English language comprehension.
  9. It is a great idea to incorporate peer interaction between ELL students with English speaking students to increase their vocabulary.
  10. Teachers should be observant to students who are Dual language learners and assist them with any language barriers they have.

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Quiz topic: What do I know