What do you care most about school?

There are a lot of people who tell the truth and there and some people who dont so please answer this quiz truthfullyHELLO SMELLO HELLO SMELLO HELLO SMELLO HELLO SMELLO HELLO SMELLO

Are u sure u answered it good i hope u did.HI BYE HI BYE HI BYE HI BYE HYI B YE HI BYE HI BYE HI BYE HI BYE HIYA BYA HIYA BYA hell smello hello smello hello smello hello smello

Created by: Sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do u think abut on the first day of scchool?
  2. Whats ur fav color?
  3. What is ur style?
  4. whats ur fav subject?
  5. On the first day do u ammidealty find a crush?
  6. Whats more inportant to u?
  7. Do u focus more on studies or friends?
  8. if u were in a spelling bee and u lost what would u do
  9. do u think ur awesome and pretty and popular in school?
  10. Do u think u can get over 50%?

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Quiz topic: What do I care most about school?