What do u know about ASr!
This is a test, done at 1AM, about our kickass WoW guild. This was made when i was half asleep, so dont argue about its significance or else i will demote you to "trial" as soon as i get online. Just check it and try to avoid cheating (like looking for answers in another Explorer Tab--- i'd know and send u to live in Durshwallow. Marshswallow. Dutchmallow.... well, the wet place under IF!).
Who is Patsabre, really? Who can stick his "Thunderfury all have it Legendary weapon" up ur bottom? Why is Skyler so small? Who does Istari think to when the night is deep and the storm thunders outta the window and she needs some -REAL- man's company? Try and answer all of this and beyond! Your rank will proof your knowledge, Angry Teenager!
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