What do People Find most Attractive about You?

Hi, so this is a quiz to see what people find most attractive about you!a;jkdnf;kajnefk;jane;kjf akjd fgkajw dfna kesj bfbam,sd f.kjwebk;fjan s.mdn fgkjewb fkjenrfkjnekjarnka;bsemnfb.kajebnrajbef.kjaebfk;jawebf.,asembnfkjwebe

Enjoy!a;jkdnf;kajnefk;jane;kjf akjd fgkajw dfna kesj bfbam,sd f.kjwebk;fjan s.mdn fgkjewb fkjenrfkjnekjarnka;bsemnfb.kajebnrajbef.kjaebfk;jawebf.,asembnfkjwebe

Created by: (=
  1. What do you like to do on your free time?
  2. How do you act in class?
  3. How often do you study?
  4. What is your dream job?
  5. What is your current relationship status?
  6. What is your ideal pet?
  7. If you could have any power...what would it be?
  8. Reading, or Video games?
  9. What is your preferred color?
  10. Are you ready for your results? How would you answer?

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