What do other people think of you???

Many people have issues of what there friends think of them! What' s your status in your hang out??? Take this quiz and find out, you could be a future pop star, or an actor, find out here!!!!

Here you can find out!!! Are you the lonely kid or the cool kid?? Find out here!!! In just a few minutes you could find out of what other people think of you, are you going to be succsceseful or are you going to be locked in a closet, let' s see here....

Created by: cruncher
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How well do you know your friends???
  2. How often do you and your friends agree about other things???
  3. How many times in a week do you and your friends hang out????
  4. How old are your friends that you hang out with???
  5. Do you have an older brother???
  6. Did your father do anything that the people are talking about???
  7. How well does your mom cook???
  8. Is your mom HOT????
  9. Is your sister a local hooker???
  10. How many friends do you have in average???

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