What Do Guys/Girls See in You?

So you probably have that crush and theres obviously atleast 1 person out there who has one on u!! So what do they dig about you?? This quiz is for boys AND girls..

Do you think that ur all funny or pretty?? You wont know whtas the real reason behind it. Theres much more than wht u think. Not everything is what it looks like!

Created by: Nicky
  1. if a guy pushes you by mistake while you have your lunch in your hand and everyone is looking cuz ur lunch is now all over ur shirt you would....
  2. If a guy/girl u like is looking at you and u catch him/her you...
  3. If ur bestfriend was going out with ur crush u'd....
  4. If u had plans with ur bestfriend one day then at the last minute ur crush calls to invite u 2 a party on the same day and time,wht would u do?
  5. What do you think about urself
  6. why did u play this quizz
  7. Hows YOUR life
  8. wht do u think mostly matters
  9. R u taken or single
  10. Whts ur web???

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