What district are you from?

This quiz is to see what district you are from...................................when you get your results it will tell you what your district is like and maybe even a little bit about your job.

I really hope you enjoy this quiz and the district you get fits your personality..........................................if you like the quiz tell your friends to use it. Thanks!

Created by: K Liz
  1. What do you like doing the best?
  2. Who are you most like?
  3. What is your favorite one?
  4. What district do you think you should be in
  5. Do you like day or night better
  6. Do you like dogs or cats
  7. What element do you like better?
  8. Which one do you have?
  9. What food do.you like the best?
  10. Pick one

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Quiz topic: What district am I from?