What Disney princess are you?

My quiz is about what Disney Princess you are. Do you want to find out? I know I would. Click here to find out. I know I’d want to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!

You’d be surprised to find you could be a Disney princess you didn’t even think you would be like. Maybe you’re ambitious and hardworking like Tiana?! Click here to find out!

Created by: Nilab
  1. What’s your fave color?
  2. What’s your best quality?
  3. What’s your worst quality?
  4. What’s your fave flower?
  5. Do you have a fave movie ?
  6. Do you have a fave movie genre?
  7. Fave music genre?
  8. Dream home
  9. Fave quote?
  10. The worst Disney villain?

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Quiz topic: What Disney princess am I?
