What Disney Fantasy Character Are You? =) x

So, what Disney fantsay charcter are you? :), well i made this so you can find out!. Its my first quiz, so please dont be to much of a big meanie xD ^^ lol jkz x

Yooo!!!! ;D, so lets go find out if you have wings...., power of voodoo...., or maybe some time in the future, you'll be living ina lamp O.O. LOL, hope you enjoy my quiz and pleaze rate ^^ x byee ^^

Created by: Sugarali

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok, i dont know why people dont like this... xD, but i do so im putting it in! xD, Pick the colourz you like most ^^ x
  2. Ok.., so you're walking home and infront of you appearz a random hole in the floor. Its big, bursting with sounds and rainbow..., what do you do?
  3. Your friendz want you to pick somewhere to go on a day out, you'd pick....?
  4. Pick one.... NOW! (has affect)
  5. Did you pick one? :)
  6. This quiz is fake..., what will you say to me...(its not dont worry xD)
  7. Aww, im sorry only kidding! x(, *hugz and apolagizes*...
  8. Which one of these sentences would you most likley say? O.o
  9. Ahhhhhhh!
  10. I remembered....., this is the last question..:(..., will you miss me..:(

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Quiz topic: What Disney Fantasy Character am I? =) x