What DISNEY animated charcter are you?

this quiz tells you what Disney animated character you are. You could be a princess,a tv charcter or even peter pan I hope you enjoy our quiz thank you!

have you ever wondered what DISNEY animated character you are? Well if you take this quiz you will find out. do you think that you are a princess? If you think no well its possible

Created by: maya & brianna
  1. what is your favorite DISNEY princess?
  2. do you act nice or mean?
  3. do you exercise daily?
  4. what colour are your eyes?
  5. what movie do you like better?
  6. have you ever been to disney land?
  7. what type of cloths do you wear?
  8. what name would you rather?
  9. whats your favorite Bugs bunny & tweety show charcter
  10. Have you fallen asleep yet because this is our last question?

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Quiz topic: What DISNEY animated charcter am I?