what descendants character are you

A defendants character is someone who was once evil but now is not. You have outgrown that so whatever you get on this quiz just know that you are great in so many ways.

Are you ready do you watch do you want to be one of them well you can by taking this quiz I will tell you now that when you take this quiz your life will change.

Created by: lily
  1. Do you have any friends if yes how many?
  2. Do you stand up for your frends
  3. What is your fav color
  4. What grade are you in
  5. What do you do on a regular basis
  6. What is your fat TV show
  7. What does your name start whith
  8. Do you like this quiz so far
  9. What is your favorite letter
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: What descendants character am I