What Death Note Character Is The Closest Match To You?
Other quizzes ask dumb things unrelated to the topic, but I use details in my quiz so please consider it :P Anyway Death Note is an anime series in which high-school-genius Light Yagami obtains a shinigomi's Death Note. He uses it to eliminate criminals while having to face off against the legendary detective "L" and his successors as well as another person obtains a Death Note as well to try and find him and worship him. Characters include Light Yagami (kira), Misa Misa (misa amane the second kira), Lawliet (L), Mello, Near (Nate Rivers), Matt, and many more but my quiz does not include them.
Which main character of "Death Note" are you? Are you one of the investigators or one of the Kiras? Do you want to clean the world or keep the law system as it is? This tests your personality for you to find out who you are in the japanese anime, "Death Note"!
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