what DC villian are you

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This is a quiz of the villains that dc made for the demise of the world.only you are now in the villains shoes try not to make the same mistakes as the forefathers

There are villains of fear as there are villains of laughter.there are villains of skill as there is villains of revenge. you now have to have find out which you are

Created by: brennan Fortel
  1. Free time actvity
  2. Weapon of choice
  3. What grade is your average
  4. Ideal place to live
  5. What would you do during a zombie apocalypse
  6. You need a crew who do you pick
  7. How would you kill
  8. How is you your body type
  9. Superpowers if you had one
  10. Favorite marvel villian

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Quiz topic: What DC villian am I You can find more quizzes like this one in our DC Comics Quiz category.