What DBZ character are you?

I hope you take my quiz, about which Dragonball Z/DragonBall z Kai Character you are, if you are reading this, take a shot for it. It's an awful easy quiz, why not take it?

Are you good or evil? That's the gap between characters. Good, your Goku, Trunks, or Gohan. Evil, your Cell, or Frieza. Work hard, win, lose, it doesn't matter. Have fun with it.

Created by: Riley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a bad guy or good guy?
  2. Will you help a person?
  3. Do you have overconfidence?
  4. Will you die for a friend? (Or Vegeta?)
  5. How would you handle a situation when you either defend the earth, or take a defeaning blow and finish the earth?
  6. Would you become a bad guy if it meant you got an AWESOME amount of power: 100,000,000?
  7. Would you ever rob a bank/do something wrong for the exchange of gold?
  8. A Kamehameha, for good or evil?
  9. Would you turn bad for TONS AND TONS AND TONS AND TONS AND TONS AND TONS AND TONS of gold?
  10. Are you good or EVVVVVVVVIL?

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Quiz topic: What DBZ character am I?