What Dark Forest Warrior Cat Are You?

Have you ever wondered what Dark Forest cat you would be, well you are in luck because this is what this quiz is for! Today you will answer ten questions to see what Dark Forest cat you are.

If you are not happy with your results then you can just try again! Please do not try to get a certain answer just go with the flow and have fun! Good luck!

Created by: Naomi
  1. What Clan?
  2. If you would add a new rule to the warrior code what would it be?
  3. Who would you kill?
  4. She-cat or tom?
  5. Pelt color
  6. What would you do to kill someone?
  7. Would you have a mate?
  8. How do you die?
  9. Do you think med cats should have mates?
  10. What is your favorite name
  11. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Dark Forest Warrior Cat am I?
