what dance moms dancer are you

do you watch dance moms? play this quiz and find out what dance moms dancer are you! maddie,chloe,mackenzie,brooke,paige,or nia.you never know, maybe you and one of the dancers have something in common.

dance moms is a show on lifetime.it is about 6 dancers and there crazy moms.There instructor abby is mean and only pays attention to maddie.watch this show and play this quiz.

Created by: ashlyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you think of abby
  2. what is you favorite dance outfits
  3. what is you favorite dance style
  4. what do you want to do besides dance
  5. who is you favorite person on the show
  6. what is your favorite color/pattern
  7. do you dance
  8. what phone do you have
  9. do you like abby
  10. what was your favorite dance

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Quiz topic: What dance moms dancer am I