What Cupcake Diaries girl are you?

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You are... Find out which Cupcake Diaries girl you are with this fun personality quiz! Katie, Emma, Mia or Alexis. Who are you going to be? Try this quiz to see!

Enjoy answering 10 interesting questions and seeing who you are! (You have to have read at least the first four Cupcake Diaries books to take this quiz.) Have fun!

Created by: Cupcaker
  1. First off, what Cupcake Diaries girl do you want to be or think you will be?
  2. If you were to win an award, what would it be for?
  3. Where do you like to chill?
  4. What do you normally wear?
  5. How do you earn money?
  6. You have a whole day off of school. What do you do?
  7. What colour is your hair?
  8. What colour are your eyes?
  9. Do you have any siblings?
  10. Did you like this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Cupcake Diaries girl am I?
