what criminal are you?

Have you ever sat up at night wondering if your a criminal, well you don't have to ever more when you take this because if your good you won't have any problem with the law but if your bad then you will be wanted by the cops.

All you have to do is start the quiz and I am praying to god that your good because if your evil, well at least you have family by your side wait you do have family.

Created by: awesomeNINJA961
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where are you located now?
  2. did someone in your family die when you were 7?
  3. are you living with anyone?
  4. have you ever stolen anything?
  5. is your friend good or bad?
  6. what do you prefer gun or sword?
  7. do you enjoy stealing?
  8. Does your name start with a letter between A-F?
  9. do you have a dog?
  10. what is your favorite show?
  11. favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What criminal am I?