What creepypasta would kill you?

This quiz will determine whether or not you will be killed by The Dreamer, Jeffrey(!), or Clockwork AND the Dreamer! and maybe the bonues one :The Puppetmaster!

I hope you like it. Considering this is the first time I have ever done this type of thing. (p.s: The Dreamer IS an OC. Please don't hate on me just because of that)

Created by: The Dreamer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you dream often?
  2. Are you a dick/ bully?
  3. Do you ship Clokwork and the Dreamer?
  4. Have you stood up for a bullied person?
  5. Favorite color? (hides behind the Slenderman)
  6. Do you like puppets?
  7. Do you hum to yourself awkwardly?
  8. Do you believe in god?
  9. Favorite food?
  10. FINNALY! What do you think of Slendy?

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