What creature are you?

There are many creatures in myth and legend, but for this quiz we narrowed it down to three. This quiz may delight Zork-players or Uncyclopedians. I hope you understand that this quiz is in no way serious.

What type of creature are you? Are you a scheming vampire? A Lovely unicorn? Or A slavering GRUE!? With this quiz you will finally know. (If you are a GRUE!, please don't eat me.)

Created by: Zach Sessions

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see someone walking along a dark alley. What do you do?
  2. You suddenly step into bright sunlight. What happens?
  3. What do you fear?
  4. Chuck Norris!
  5. Favorite food?
  6. Do you like Uncyclopedia?
  7. Do you huff kittens?
  8. Choose a color.
  9. 83 U 1337?
  10. Prefered weapon?

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Quiz topic: What creature am I?