what creature are u???

I was inspired to make this quiz by taking some quizzes. they never seemed like they gave me the right outcome but i am sure that this quiz will give u the best outcome ever!

personally i like lycans. there favorite color is their victims eye color they hate silver and are friends with the werewolfs. proceed with caution the result may be shocking!

Created by: jordan
Personality Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where do u like to explore?
  2. what do u like for friends?
  3. what do u like to eat?
  4. do u like baths?
  5. what would u do if a human threw rocks at u?
  6. what eroma do u like?
  7. who is your enemy
  8. who is your friend
  9. what color do u like
  10. what is your luxury

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